Friday, October 5, 2012

Do You Have A Blended Family?

October 4, 2012

Being part of a Blended Family has it's challenges and I have experience both from being a step-daughter and being a step-mother.  When I was 20 years old my mom died of cancer and my dad remarried 1 year later to fill the void.  It did not take long for my step-mother to become jealous of my relationship with my father.  Navigating that situation was extremely confusing to me because I knew that my father's love for me was different than his love for his wife?

Fast forward 23 years later I married my husband who had a only son who is autistic.  When you first read this you may think, oh no that must be a challenge?  Well, actually you are wrong he truly is a blessing.  Now, that does not mean there are not times when it is frustrating.  Every so often I get the phrase "well my mom lets me?"  My response varies depending on the situation.  Other than those moments, he is a very loving young man who soaks in attention like a sponge.

It gets really sticky when couples divorce, remarry, and divorce again.  There was an interesting article in the New York Times that you might want to read that talks about how messy it can be.

If you, or someone you know is in a blended family and needs help navigating and understanding how to work together as a family unit, please have them call me, Kristi Starkey, to schedule an appointment.  Here is the link to my website


Kristi Starkey, MS, LMFT #52051

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