Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The 3 Interlocking Circles

March 20,2012

Today is the first day of spring and always the beginning of a season of change for me.  I have been attending The Life Coaching Experience led by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.  http://www.cloudtownsend.com/workshops/life-coaching/.  In our last session John spoke on The 3 Interlocking Circles: Passion, Ability and Meaning.  The goal is to have all 3 to be successful in your job and in life.  John is writing a book titled "Sweet Spot" which is when you find all three in what you are doing.  John defined the 3 as:

Passion - your focused desire
By nature your passion in an intense emotion for what you do.  Passion can't be created it must be uncovered.  You must explore because passions is buried alive inside of you.  When you are passionate about something you lose track of time.  It feels like you have been focused 10 minutes on something when it can be 4 hours.

Meaning - bigger than you
You understand that you are not god and that you are being called by God.  You much search out the will of God to find meaning.

Skill - your ability
You have talents and gifts and through diligence and hard work you will be successful.

Since I am a baseball fan I know that home runs are hit off a bats "sweet spot"  What is your "Sweet Spot?"  



Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Studying for my Marriage and Family Therapist License

March 13, 2012
...is no easy task.  I submitted my hours in November and it takes the Board of Behavioral Sciences up to 6 months to approve my 3,000 hours before I get approved to take the test.  So that being said, it could be mid May or June when I can take my test.  

I decided since I am 2 - 3 months out it is best that I start studying.  There are 6 categories covered in the 200 question test, so I started with Law and Ethics.  Since I purchased the test bank, I am able to take the test and have explanations for the correct and incorrect answers.  So, the first test I took I got 40% and panicked.  I'm thinking, well, I have a lot of studying ahead of me.

The good news is after one week, I am up in the high 70% and am familiarizing myself with the exam questions and what they are looking for.  

Wish me luck as I continue to study!


Friday, March 9, 2012

Henry Cloud Changes That Heal.....

March 9, 2012

I wanted to share this post they are great questions to ask yourself.


In my book "Changes That Heal," I talked about a developmental path that we all travel to get to maturity. It involves four steps:

1) The ability to get connected 2) The ability to have boundaries 3) The ability to put "good and bad" together 4) The ability to be an adult.

TIme for a little check up for you. Ask yourself the following questions in the four areas today:

1. How connected do I feel to some significant people in my life? If not, what can I do to increase my connection? Reach out? Join? Get more proactive? Or is it more overcoming internal fear or resistance? What is my next growth step?

2. How in control of my own life do I feel? Who does it feel is controlling me? Why am I not saying no? Where is my next growth step in creating a healthy limit with someone?

3. What idealized image am I suffering under, unable to accept the good and the bad? Is it with myself or with others? Or both? Where am I attacking myself for not being "good enough" and feel as if I am "all bad" for my mistakes or imperfections? Where am I doing that to someone else? What steps do I need to take towards acceptance of both the good and the bad and dealing with both?

4. How much of an equal adult do I feel like I am with others? Do I feel "one down" some or the time? Why? What do I need to do to express my adulthood? Or, am I assuming the parent role with some other adult and not requiring adulthood from them as well as trying to dominate them? Where do I need to let them be an equal?

Good questions to ask.....for more about this see "Changes That Heal."



Thursday, March 8, 2012

My First Blog Post

March 8, 2012

So here I go into the blogging world.  I have been having many conversations about blogging and so decided I just need to "jump in" and start typing away.  To help me understand blogging a friend gave a book to read titled "Naked Conversations" by Robert Scoble/Shel Israel.  This books tells about how blogs are changing the way businesses talk with customers.  So...here I go to learn about blogging so that I can start to educate my followers about counseling and how it can be life changing.

Until next time,
